CA: B488sUuqkv6t81BP47p9wJtvgS5Rk5c6gDsFZfqCCBfN

About Ozzy Owl

Ozzy the psychedelic owl is a wild rebel in the crypto world, known for his epic parties and fondness for mind-altering substances and booze. With colorful feathers and eyes always glazed, he threw extravagant virtual bashes where digital beats thumped and cryptocurrencies flowed freely. Despite his wild reputation and struggles with substances, Ozzy's charm made him a favorite among fellow crypto fans, carving out his place in the decentralized realm of chaos and rebellion.

For the community:

Ozzy Token, represented by Ozzy the owl, is a community-focused crypto on Solana. It’s a stand against scams, offering transparency and fairness. Join us in this righteous blockchain movement.

Ozzy is the life of every party, a mischievous rebel in the crypto realm. His love for good vibes and a crazy personality makes him the icon of the Solona blockchain. Despite his occasional overindulgence, Ozzy’s charisma is undeniable, making him the beloved mascot of the crypto revolution.

WE ARE LIVE! We just launched and Ozzy is looking to take off straight to the moon!


Ozzy the Owl follows a unique tokenomics model to ensure a fair and successful distribution:

- 0% Buy or sell Tax

- No Presale

- Stealth Launch

- Contract Renounced

- Airdrops Before Launch

- Ozzy got a little high and accidently burned 25% of the supply. Most likely more too come.

We didn’t come here to take part,

we came here to take over!